Monday, July 20, 2009

Laennec Placenta

by Japan Bio Products (JBP) Co.(100% Aunthentic)10 ampules of 2ml per trayMust be administered by a licensed physician three times a week for 1 month, Total of 24 vials to be used for optimal results./,
Human Placenta Extract - is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects. The list of potential treatments is quite impressive with patients of skin conditions, menopause, andropause (male menopause), anti-aging (youthful rejuvenation), liver problems, cardiovascular problems, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, Meniere`s disease,tinnitus, and vertigo all benefiting from this intensive treatment. In addition Hormone Balancing, Good Blood Circulation ,Anti Bodies ,Collagen productivity, Hay fever, Allergy, Psoriasis and Acne

Text or call +63917-3987440/ +63920-6702522


In today’s advancement in medical science and stem cell research the placenta has emerged as a secure and rich source of multipotent stem cells with unique characteristics. Placenta derived stem cells can be harvested in significant amounts and is able to evolve into numerous cell types and tissues. There are many properties that only the human placenta has and these cannot be substituted by other materials.

The placenta synthesizes and excretes ‘Cell Growth Factors’ a substance that controls the growth and replication of cells. Without cell growth factors, it is not possible to produce new cells.

LAENNEC™ from JBP, the world’s largest manufacturer of human placental extracts pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. JBP’s 70 years of research in placental extracts continuously uncovers various benefits of LAENNEC™. This research has seen a surge with the development of bio genome technology.

Thru many years of use and continuous trials, it is now understood that LAENNEC™ is effective across a wide range of indications LAENNEC™’s effectiveness has attracted attention in the areas of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine, Anti Aging and Aesthetics.

JBP’s high safety standards and experience as well as a vast amount of clinical test reports give doctors across the globe the confidence to prescribe LAENNEC™.

Indications of LAENNEC™

LAENNEC™ is an ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technology for effective extraction of a variety of growth fators, cytokines and other physiologically active substances from the placenta.

Internal medicine -hepatitis (viral type, alcoholic type), cirrhosis, pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer, chronic ulcerative colitis, diabetes, high and low blood pressure, asthma, chronic bronchitis, anemia, chronic fatigue, constipation, etc.

Gynaecology -menopausal disorders, algomenorrhea, irregular menses, lactation disorders, hyperprolactinemia, etc.

Dermatology -atopic dermatitis, eczema, dryness, body odor, flecks, freckles, wrinkles, sagging, acne, pimples, etc.

Surgery -arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis deformans, arthritis, neuralgic pain, back pain, frozen shoulder, recovery from surgery, etc.

Urology -prostate-gland enlargement, cystitis, haemorrhoids, etc.

Ophthalmology -corneal inflammation, allergic conjunctivitis, decreased vision, cataract, etc.

Neuropsychiatry -depression, nervous breakdown, insomnia, etc.

Otorhinolaryngology -allergic coryza, Meniere’s disease, hay fever, etc.

Dentistry -alveolar pyorrhea, gum disease, etc.

Others -recuperation during and after sickness and surgery, hair loss, preventive medicine, etc.

LAENNEC™ for Aesthetics and Anti Aging

LAENNEC™ stimulates normal growth, regenerates and repairs aged or injured muscle skin, collagen, cartilage and nerve tissue which in turn shows improvement in epidermal elasticity, thickness, reduction of wrinkles, eye bags, dull skin tone, refining of facial pores, blotches, melesama, pigmentation, eczema, dermatitis, keloids, scars, etc. in our recent clinical trials, we have established a relationship between skin whitening and the use of LAENNEC™.

The growth factors that are available in LAENNEC™, helps growth of fibroblast and epidermis. Skin gets fresh, smooth, elastic, and younger as well s the overall rejuvenation of skin.

LAENNEC™ helps to prevent and regulate aging and wear of different organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and digestive system. It also promotes tissue repiration and improvement in blood circulation, strengthening of immune system, concentration, eyesight and enhancement of stamina and energy.

Proven also to be effective for pre menopausal women by reduction in PMS symptoms and delaying menopause, LAENNEC™ increases sexual energy and appetite for both sexes.

LAENNEC™ helps in replenishing essential nutrients and quickens the healing of wounds, surgery and diabetic ulcers.

Is LAENNEC™ safe

LAENNEC™’s safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards. Only placental extracts manufactured by our company is processed by three different proprietary techniques. In order to improve safety further, our company performs a sterilization operation several times during the manufacturing process to eliminate any possibility of contamination.

LAENNEC™ is a government subsidized drug for Japanese patients seeking treatment for Hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Suffice to say, our products meet and exceed requirements to ensure continuous support by the government and doctors in Japan.

Does LAENNEC™ contain hormones

There are no hormones in LAENNEC™. In JBP’s placental extract which includes LAENNEC™, has been broken down to precursors in order for no hormones to remain. LAENNEC™ is water based and can be safely consumed without any significant side effect.

Are all effects of placental extract the same
Even as a raw material, the way to secure the safety and efficacy vary according to the manufacturer. Naturally if the source and extraction method is different, even by a little, the effects will also be different. Please choose a product from a manufacturer that you can trust.

In what form is LAENNEC™ available
LAENNEC™ is available in both injection and soft gel under the brand names of LAENNEC™ Inj. and LAENNEC™ P.O. Our bioequivalence study show 2 soft gel capsules equals 1 injection.

How much does LAENNEC™ cost
The price of LAENNEC™ is strictly controlled by JBP, Please contact us for more information on pricing. BEWARE of dangerous counterfeits sold by non-authorized party’s which prices may vary from the original prices. We do not guarantee the safety and efficacy of LAENNEC™ inj. And LAENNEC™ P.O. purchased from these unauthorized sources.

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